United Group Insurance

Skyscan Forecast & weather data for Atlantic: 1/11/18


January 11th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Today: Winter Storm Warning until 6-p.m.; Mixed precipitation this morning becoming all snow (3-5” possible). Temps falling into the teens. N/NW @ 20-35mph+.

Tonight: Cloudy to P/Cldy. Low 0 w/diminishing winds.

Tomorrow: P/Cldy to Cldy w/a chance of afternoon flurries. High 14. N @ 10.

Saturday: P/Cldy. High 10.

Sunday: Mo. Cldy w/light snow or flurries. High 14.

Wednesday’s High in Atlantic was 48. Our Low this morning (thru 5-a.m.), 24. There is a thing coating of ice and some sleet on the roads and sidewalks. Travel with caution! Last year on this date our High was 35 and the Low was 10. The all-time record High in Atlantic on this date was 55 in 1986, and the Low was -22 in 1892.