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Atlantic Parks & Rec Board News


December 18th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

Atlantic Mayor Dave Jones, Monday evening, administered the Oath of Office to one new and one returning Parks Board members. John Krogman and Jolene Smith were elected on during the City Elections on Nov. 7th. Both ran unopposed. Smith was re-elected. For Krogman, who once served as Mayor, it was his first time on the Board.

Afterward, the Board nominated and elected Erin McFadden as Vice-Chair. In his report to the Board, Parks and Rec Director Seth Staashelm said plans for the playground at the Schildberg Rec Area are going well. He said the playground plans are in-place and he’s working with the Rotary still to with the financing for the shelter and plans, the bids for which will let in January or February 2018. He’s hoping a local company will place bids for the shelter, the budget for which is $45,000, but they’re hoping for closer to $42,000 to $43,000.

Staashelm said also, many of the Schildberg projects will be kicking off in the Spring, and some projects will be wrapped-up. John Krogman said however, that the roof on top of the fishing pier may be installed this winter, much to the surprise of Staashelm and the Board. An Eagle Scout will also work on picnic tables in the Spring. Staashelm said there are currently 15 campers on the pads at Schildberg, and five empty spots, but the numbers seem to stay current. As soon as person leaves another takes their place. Work on the Lake #3 Trail will be conducted in the Spring, but it’s perfectly solid enough right now in its natural form to walk on.

As far as the Public Gardens at Mollett Park off East 3rd Street Place and Cedar Park, Staashelm says they received feedback on their website, social media, and Harvest Markets, as to what should be featured at those sites. Rentable spots at Mollett Park are possible for gardening there. The area could also feature edible landscaping, such as fruit and nutbearing trees and shrubs. There are hopes, too, of running a trail from Mollett Park to 7th Street, along with improved parking.

The feedback was also positive for public gardens and edible landscaping at Cedar Park, along with a splash pad. A basketball court was also deemed a priority. Restrooms were also requested. Staashelm said he will present the preliminary plans to the City Council on January 17th.

In other business, the Board approved offering members of the Nishna Valley YMCA a combo pass to Sunnyside Pool. And, Staashelm said they will be setting up the ice rink Tuesday and Wednesday for use later this week, weather permitting.