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Democratic Party fundraiser leaders snub Iowa candidate


August 30th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A Democratic Iowa congressional candidate known for expletive-laced rants against the Republican incumbent has been excluded by her own party from a speaking role at a fundraiser. The Des Moines Register reports that the Polk County Democratic Party committee voted not to invite Heather Ryan to speak at next month’s Steak Fry.

Ryan, a businesswoman from Des Moines, is seeking the Democratic nomination in the 3rd District to challenge GOP Rep. David Young. Ryan has repeatedly used expletives to deride Young.

Party chairman Sean Bagniewski says Ryan may still attend the event and is not prohibited from speaking at other party-sponsored events. But officials cite the need for civil language by speakers at the televised event that will be open to children.

Ryan says the snub is an attack on her freedom of speech.