United Group Insurance


Trading Post

July 13th, 2017 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  Four dining room chairs with casters.  Very good condition.  $75 for the set, table not included.  Call 712-250-0266.  SOLD!!

FOR SALE: Oak tv armoire, holds a 37″ tv. $300 obo. 712-307-0199 (Shelby)

WANTED: Retired semi driver to truck grain, short drives. 249-4978

FOR SALE: 38 ft Montana 5th wheel, used once for 4 week’s in Arizona, half price of new. Financing available. $31,000. 712-249-4978.

FOR SALE: 4 like new tires – 225/60R/16, brand is Grand Tour LS $300. 712-268-5448 or madden@iowatelecom.net

FOR SALE: small electric wheel chair $150 or trade. 712-243-2361.