United Group Insurance

Cass County Extension to Host Annual Farm Leasing Meeting August 9


July 27th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

A question Tim Eggers, Field Ag Economist for Iowa State University Extension, was asked in his first year on the job was, “What’s a fair lease rate?” Over 20 years later that question continues to be relevant. Given the competitiveness for access to farm land and changing economic pressures on farm operators, the number for one farm and one year is not the same for that farm the next year or another farm in the same year.

ISU Extension will be holding Farm Leasing Arrangements meetings across southwest Iowa August 1-10. The meeting in Atlantic is set for August 9 at 6:30 pm. at the Cass County Community Center on the fairgrounds. Contact the Cass County ISU Extension office at 712-243-1132 to pre-register. There is a $20 registration fee. Participants receive a copy of the presentation and a booklet with ISU Extension leasing publications.

In addition to the methods to find fair rents and provisions, legal issues related to farmland leases will be addressed. ISU Extension leasing survey results will be shared, and through discussion participants will put those results in context. Hands-on activities will help participants become active learners as they use the “size of the pie” notion to help illustrate the changes landowners and tenants are each managing.

In preparation for this year’s leasing meeting, ag lenders across southwest Iowa have been visited by Tim Eggers and the southwest Iowa Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Intern Haley Carlson. “Every lender has mentioned flexible cash leases this year, so we’ll spend time visiting about setting an appropriate base,” says Eggers. Carlson will cover boundary by acquiescence using materials from the Iowa State University Center for Ag Law and Taxation.

If you are a landowner, tenant, or agricultural professional concerned about the fairness of your lease, consider registering for the August 9 Farm Leasing Arrangements meeting in Atlantic. Cass County ISU Extension staff would be glad to take your registration information via email at lander@iastate.edu or over the phone at 712-243-1132. For a list of all meeting across the state, visit the ISU Ag Decision Maker Website at https://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/info/meetings.html.