United Group Insurance

Fremont County Sheriff warns of Facebook scam


February 8th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

The Fremont County Sheriff’s Office has issued a warning to persons who use the social media site Facebook, with regard to “friends” and a government benefits scam. On Monday, the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a citizen from Sidney about a possible scam that happened on Facebook. During the course of the investigation it appears that the victim received a friend request from someone she was already friends with.

The scammer posing as the friend, even with pictures and information from that friend, said that she could receive extra government benefits if she clicked a link. It appears that the link opened up her phone so it could be downloaded remotely. The victim gave some information to the scammer but became nervous and did not give any financial or vital personal information.

If you receive a friend request from someone that is already on your Friends List do not accept the request and contact the person you know to make them aware of the hacking. If you notify Facebook they can disable the fraudulent account.

Always be wary of any offers you receive from the internet. There are numerous scams going on at this time from counterfeit checks for payments of things being sold online and including individuals posing as Publishers Clearing House.