United Group Insurance

Skyscan forecast & weather data for Atlantic: 12/08/16


December 8th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Today: Partly cloudy. High 25.NW @ 15-25. Wind chill as low as -10
Mostly clear. Low 5. NW @ 5-10mph. Wind chill -5.
P/Cldy. High 25. NW winds 5-10 becoming variable in the afternoon
Mo. Cldy w/light mixed precipitation. High 35.

Sunday: Mo. Cldy w/light snow. High 25.

Wednesday’s High in Atlantic was 25. The 24-hour Low ending today at 7-a.m. was 10. Last year on this date, our High in Atlantic was 52 and the low was 29. The Record High in Atlantic on this date was 67 in 1946. The Record Low was -18 in 1917 & 1976.