United Group Insurance

Bell Ringers needed for Cass County Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign


November 15th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign is set to begin next month. County Salvation Army Campaign Chairman Steve Livengood says this year, they’re going to try and place kettles and bell ringers both in-and-outside of Atlantic, making it a truly County-wide effort to collect donations. He says they have kettles in Anita, but are also looking to place them in Griswold and Massena.

red kettle and bellIn previous years, Bell Ringers have been in Atlantic only, traditionally at the Fareway and Wal-Mart Stores. The Kiwanis are in charge of Bell Ringing at Hy-Vee. Livengood says most of the money raised, stays in Cass County. He says they ring on Saturday’s only, beginning in December. 10-percent of what is raised is given to the Omaha Salvation Army for their coordinated efforts, with the remainder staying in Cass County. Last year, that amounted to about $7,000 retained in the County.

Those funds are used for programs such as “Shop with a Cop,” the Backpack and school lunch programs in the County. The kettles will be in-place at Fareway and the east and west doors of Walmart store, the first four Saturdays in December from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

To sign up for a 90-minute shift, contact Livengood at aplewood@q.com or call 712-243-5445.