United Group Insurance

Clothesline Project for Domestic Violence Awareness


October 4th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and to help promote awareness of violence against women, Southwest Iowa Families based in Clarinda, is making available several displays of t-shirts representing each form of Domestic Violence. The displays can be seen at various locations in southwest Iowa, beginning October 12th and continuing through Oct. 26th. Teresa Kanning is the IDAP (Iowa Domestic Abuse Prevention) Coordinator for Southwest Iowa Families and the Iowa 4th Judicial District.

Southwest Iowa Families, in conjunction with Catholic Charities and Phoenix House, have been providing the displays for a number of years at this same time. The color of the shirts is representative of the type of violence women have endured.

(She says White represents women who have died from violence. Yellow or beige are for women who have been battered or assaulted. Red, pink or orange represents women who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Blue or green is for women who have endured incest or child sexual abuse. Purple or lavender is for women who have been attacked because of their sexual orientation.)

Kanning says the Clothesline Project this year will be displayed: in Fremont County on the courthouse lawn in Sidney, Oct. 12th; In Shenandoah at the County west building; on Oct. 19th, and in Clarinda on Oct. 26th, on the courthouse lawn. The displays are available for viewing from 5-until 7-p.m. each day.  For more information, go to http://southwestiowafamilies.org/news/.

Iowa Domestic Violence Hotline

Iowa Domestic Violence Hotline

Southwest Iowa Families runs the IDAP Program for the 4th Judicial District that treats individuals who have perpetrated domestic violence, many of whom have been court ordered to undergo treatment. There is no charge to view the Clothesline Project, but donations are gladly accepted from persons who want to help fight domestic violence.

Kanning says she believes the rate of domestic violence has been pretty much holding steady over recent years. Abuse can be verbal or physical, and the victims can be male, as well as female. If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, contact the Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-779-7233, Catholic Charities at 1-888-612-0266, or the Phoenix House at 712-256-2059. You can also text to 741741. Trained providers are available there 24/7, especially for teens who are experiencing violence.

If you have been a perpetrator of domestic violence, you can call the Iowa Domestic Abuse Program at Southwest Iowa Families to begin services, at 712-542-3501.