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Atlantic P&Z to discuss Zoning Ordinance w/regard to Setbacks


October 11th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The City of Atlantic’s Planning and Zoning Commission will meet this evening in the Council’s Chambers at City Hall, to discuss Setback requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, and other business related to the Zoning Ordinance Update. Their session begins at 5:30.

During the last meeting of the P&Z on Sept. 13th, the Commission heard from Rick Mendenhall, of Atlantic, who discussed his variance appeal with the board as it pertains to his property in the 200 block of Linn Street. The Commission tabled action on the matter until they could research more, the necessity of setbacks.City of Atlantic Logo

Atlantic Fire Chief Mark McNees spoke with City Administrator John Lund about setbacks, and recommended the Commission NOT reduce the setbacks that have already been established. According to McNees, the current setbacks of 6-feet in certain zones are somewhat less than what he would prefer, because in the event a structure catches fire, heat from the source expands, and can damage a nearby structure. McNees said there should be a minimum of 12-feet separation between two structures, with his preference being 20-feet. In any event, he says structures should not be placed closer together.

The Commission will have to consider safety, property rights and aesthetics when determining if any changes should be made to the Ordinance, with regard to setbacks.