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Heavy traffic predicted for holiday weekend travel & home football games at Iowa & ISU

News, Sports

September 2nd, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The last holiday weekend of summer is just ahead and many thousands of Iowans will be on the road. Extra law officers are being called in to keep an eye out for speeders, drunks and other lawbreakers. Iowa State Patrol Lieutenant Kelly Hindman of the Fort Dodge office offers some advice to keep from getting pulled over. “Obey the posted speed limits and travel at prudent speeds,” Hindman says. “This time of year, there’s lots of road construction still going on and trips are often delayed. Just be patient to get to your destination and don’t be in such a rush.”

One of the most important and easiest ways to save lives is simply by fastening your seat belt.  “We’ve had about 43% of Iowa’s fatalities this year have been not belted,” Hindman says. “We’re certainly encouraging everyone to put on their seat belt before they begin any trip, short or long.”

In addition to the holiday travel putting extra traffic on the roads, there are home college football games in both Iowa City and Ames on Saturday.

(Radio Iowa)