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New data show at least 3,400 untested rape kits in Iowa


June 19th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — State officials say there are at least 3,400 untested rape kits in storage around Iowa, and preliminary data indicate law enforcement agencies don’t have standardized rules for handling such evidence.

The Crime Victim Assistance Division within the Iowa attorney general’s office says its review of untested sexual abuse evidence collection kits in Iowa is continuing, and the actual number of untested kids could increase by several hundred.

Division director Janelle Melohn says more than 70 percent of the state’s nearly 400 agencies have responded to an electronic survey released this year about the kits. Survey results will be compiled into a report, which could include proposed legislation or a request for state funding to test kits.

The division received $2 million in federal funding to conduct research and some testing.