United Group Insurance

April 2016 Weather Stats for Atlantic


May 1st, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The month of April was wetter than normal, in Atlantic, but average, temperature-wise. Statistics compiled at KJAN (the official National Weather Service reporting station for Atlantic) show rainfall for the month amounted to 5.3-inches, which was 1.87-inches more than the average. The most rain fell on the 20th, when we received a 24-hour soaking of 1.16-inches.

The average High temperature of 63-degrees was just one degree warmer than the average of 62. The warmest days in April were on the 3rd and 24th, when we reached 81-degrees.

The average Low for the month was 38, which was about one-degree warmer than normal. The coolest mornings were on the 8th and 9th, when we bottomed out at 14-degrees.

Looking ahead: The month of May typically has Atlantic receiving 4.32-inches of rain. The average High is around 73, while the average Low is 49.