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SWIHTF seeks applicants for housing repairs in Red Oak


April 18th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Southwest Iowa Housing Trust Fund (SWIHTF), in accordance with grant
money received through Federal Home Loan Bank, says it is seeking applications from low to moderate income homeowners in the City of Red Oak for housing repairs.

SWIHTF currently has no waiting list for Red Oak, and seeks to find nine homeowners to participate in the program. The FHLB repair program can assist owner occupied households to eliminate health and safety hazards and to conserve energy in their homes. Examples of assistance include electrical, heating, plumbing, handicap accessibility, windows, etc. The assistance is in the form of a five year forgivable loan with a maximum of $5,000 per home in repairs.

Applicants must be the owner of record, reside in the home, and meet income guidelines. The condition of the home must be suitable for repair. Interested applicants should contact SWIHTF at 712-243-4196 for more information.