United Group Insurance


Trading Post

April 8th, 2016 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  A Midland 40 channel CB radio for your vehicle or portable with a strap.  Comes with an extra antenna and a  speaker…Asking price $40.00(Firm)…Older but never used…Great condition..In Atlantic…Number is 712-249-2603.

cb1 cb2 cb3 cb4

FOR SALE:  Twin size bed, wooden frame with box springs and mattress, excellent condition.  $100.00  783-4465.

FOR SALE:  I have 200 grape vines and can not find the time to care for.  Looking for some one to care for during the summer.  In exchange, we pick, I’ll make the wine and we will spit it 50-50. Exira.  Call 712-254-1214.