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City Council considers banning BB, pellet guns in Sioux City


March 15th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) – Sioux City is considering an ordinance amendment that would prohibit the use of BB and pellet guns. The Sioux City Journal reports that the City Council voted 3-2 on Monday to approve a first reading of the amendment. City Attorney Nicole Jensen says the change follows a national trend to restrict the public use of simulated guns. The punishment for breaking the ordinance would be a misdemeanor charge.

Police Chief Doug Young says he wants air rifles and some projectile devices outlawed so that police don’t mistake them for deadly weapons and shoot at suspects. Councilman Pete Groetken, a former police officer, supported the proposal, saying it would prevent a tragedy someday. Mayor Bob Scott and Councilman Keith Radig voted against the ordinance, saying enforcement could be difficult.