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Gardening with Children Child Care Provider training to be offered in Atlantic


February 11th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers child care provider training, which has been approved by the Department of Human Services and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The training helps providers identify, recognize and implement best practices relative to nutrition, physical activity, health and safety for children under their care. An upcoming training, Gardening with Children, will be held in Atlantic on March 29th.ISU Extension

Gardening promotes healthy lifestyles, early learning experiences, social development, and environmental stewardship among preschool children. Childcare providers will engage in experiential learning gardening activities (crafts, learning activities, literacy, container gardening basics, and taste testing).

This will be offered at the ISU Extension and Outreach office, Cass County in Atlantic on March 29 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. There is a $15 fee and is partially funded by a Boost for Families (Cass, Mills, Montgomery) Early Childhood Iowa grant for professional development.

Registration is required by March 22, using the online DHS training registry or by calling 712- 623- 2592 (ISU Extension and Outreach- Montgomery County). The class will be taught by Barbara Fuller, MA, RD, LD Nutrition and Wellness Specialist and Kim Brantner, Family Life Specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach.

(Press Release)