United Group Insurance

Reminder to crop producers: Crop Advantage Series in Atlantic Jan. 19th


January 8th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

A reminder today, that Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will offer the Crop Advantage Series to producers at 14 locations across Iowa during January 2016. Locally, a meeting will be hosted on January 19th at the Cass County Community Center, 805 West 10th Street in Atlantic.

Each year, ISU Exension and Outreach specialists and field agronomists present the lastest crop production research and information for the upcoming growing seasons to producers, agronomists and industry leaders. This year’s Crop Advantage Series will focus on the importance of risk management programs and controlling costs.

Each location features a full agenda of workshops that attendees can choose from to develop a personalized agenda. ISU Extension and Outreach field agronomists will present program topics focusing on local needs and production issues.ISU Extension

In addition to discussing the economic returns of crop production, extension field agronomists will present program topics focusing on local needs and production issues. Topics will include: crop market outlook, farm bill decisions, corn disease update, corn rootworm management, nitrogen recommendations, managing soybean Sudden Death Syndrome, herbicide and weed control, and many more.

Over 2,000 producers participate in the regional Crop Advantage Series meetings each year. All meetings are approved for Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) continuing education credits, and every location offers the opportunity for private pesticide applicators to receive continuing education credits.

Early registration for each location is $50; late registration made less than seven days prior to the meeting or at the door is $60. Registration includes lunch, printed proceedings, private pesticide applicator recertification and CCA credits. Online registration and additional information is available at http://www.cropadvantage.org/ or from your local ISU Extension office.

For statewide locations, times, and program content, contact your local ISU Extension Office or visit www.cropadvantage.org. Local dates include:

January 13 – Ames
January 14 – Honey Creek
January 19 – Atlantic
January 28 – Carroll

Crop Advantage Series is presented by ISU Extension and Outreach with support from the Iowa Soybean Association and from the North Central SARE Program–Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. For questions, contact ANR Program Services at (515) 294-6429, anr@iastate.edu, or contact your local Iowa State University Extension field agronomist, Aaron Saeugling at clonz5@iastate.edu or (712) 769-2650.