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Heifer Development 3: Breeding & Selecting for Longevity & Profit


January 19th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Longevity will be the key to profitability when it comes to replacement heifers that entered the herd over the past few years. Identifying, managing, and breeding for females that will maintain themselves well into the future can be a daunting task.

To help producers manage achieve more longevity from replacement females, the Iowa Beef Center is partnering with the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association (ICA), ABS Global, Accelerated Genetics, Select Sires and Merial to conduct a series of seven educational workshops across the state titled, “Heifer Development 3: Breeding & Selecting for Longevity & Profit.”

This is the third installment of the heifer development series, building on our 2011 and 2014 programs on yearling and first-calf heifer best management practices, respectively. The focus of this year’s series is on current genetic and phenotypic selection tools that can be utilized to improve cow longevity and enhance lifetime productivity. A meal will be served at each site and cost is $20 when preregistered three days prior to event. Walk-in registration is $25 per person with no guarantee of meal. Dates and locations (all will be held from 5 to 9 p.m.) are as follows:

Feb. 1, Cass County Community Center, Atlantic
Feb. 2, Western Iowa Tech Community College, Cherokee
Feb. 3, Carpenter’s Hall, Chariton
Feb 9, Washington Co. Extension Office, Washington
Feb. 10, Muse Norris Conference Center at NIACC, Mason City
Feb. 11, Jones Co. Extension Office, Monticello
March 2, Hansen Ag Student Learning Center, Ames

See session information and registration details on the Iowa Beef Center website. Or contact your regional Extension beef specialist for details on a site near you. We hope to see you at one of these sessions.