United Group Insurance

Phone scams resurface in Cass County


December 14th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Sheriff’s Office says it has received recent reports of previously telephone scams resurfacing in the area. One of the scams was a person calling a resident, and claiming to be that person’s grandchild. The “grandchild” said they needed money wired to them right away.Usually, they claim they are in trouble with the law and need bailed out. They also don’t want their parent(s) to know.

Another scam was a message left on a person’s answering machine. The caller said  they were from the IRS, and the person called was to return the call immediately because money was owed on their taxes.The Better Business Bureau reports the Tax Scam call tops the list of the most frequent types of scams people fall victim to, or are the target of. The BBB says there have been at least 2,413 reports of this type of scam, during which you may receive a phone call from someone who claims to be with the IRS (U.S.) or CRA (Canada). They claim you owe money in back taxes and will be arrested or face legal consequences if you do not pay (usually by wire or prepaid debit card). The caller ID is spoofed to appear to be a government agency or the police.

The IRS will not contact you by phone. The Sheriff’s Office warns that if you get a call from someone claiming to be your grandchild asking for money to double-check on the identity of the caller. Call them or their parents directly.

Be aware, vigilant, and protect yourself from identity thieves and scams, by never giving out personal information on inbound calls, and verifying accuracy of calls from alleged family members.