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Trading Post

November 18th, 2015 by Jim Field

WANTED:  I’m looking for a older go cart or mini bike, frame or complete 402-612-3956.

FOR SALE:  Semi-tractor and trailer.  The tractor is a 1988 International with L10 Cummings engine and new tires, inspected.  The trailer is a 1988 jet trailer with single hopper, single axle, will hold 600 bushels.  Asking $9,000 for tractor and trailer.  Call 712-249-0454.

WANTED:  Immediately, 2 women to bowl on Women’s Monday night league at Super Bowl in Atlantic. We need 1 to bowl every Monday night, and 1 to bowl every other Monday night. Start time is 6:30. Cost is $10.50 per night. These 2 positions are on the same team. You don’t have to be a perfect bowler, just be willing to have fun! If interested, please call 249-6360, or 249-1288, or call Super Bowl and talk to Dan.