United Group Insurance

Cass County looks to fill vacancy on Civil Service Commission


October 21st, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The three member Cass County Civil Service Commission already has a few good men, but with the recent death of a commissioner, they’re looking to fill the vacancy with a person who is preferably female, and who must be Democrat. The Cass County Board of Supervisors is looking for eligible applicants to fill the seat through at least December 31st. The normal term in office is six-years.

County Auditor Dale Sunderman explained who must be considered according to Iowa Law: No more than two of the three members can be from the same political party, and can hold no other elected or appointed public office. Gender balancing shall be taken into consideration. The appointee must also have been a resident of Cass County for the past two-years.

The Civil Service Commission’s sole responsibility is reviewing a list of qualified candidates (those who have passed the Civil Service Exam) for, and making a recommendation for the appointment of, Cass County Sheriff’s Deputies. Sheriff Darby McLaren then appoints a person to fill any open deputy positions.

The person who applies for the Civil Service Commission can be from anywhere in the County, but is not paid. They are, however, reimbursed for any necessary expenses (such as mileage) pertaining to the attendance of meetings and other such business. If you are interested, and meet the qualifications mentioned, please contact Cass County Auditor Dale Sunderman, at the Cass County Courthouse.