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Atlantic F.D to handle Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Services


October 7th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council, Wednesday evening, gave the go ahead for Fire Chief Mark McNees, to begin the process of training three department personnel plus himself, for Fire Extinguisher Inspections and Servicing. Their approval means McNees can also purchase the necessary equipment to service commercial and public fire extinguishers, some the which will come from a local man who is no longer in the business. McNees said the fire department has the facilities and the people, so “It’s right up our alley.”

He said there is a big demand right now for a local fire extinguisher and inspection service, since no one in or near Atlantic provides that service. The total cost of the upstart service is estimated at $5,000-to $6,000, which includes the necessary equipment, parts, supplies and training. McNees proposed paying for the program through the Fire Trust and Agency Account, which was donated for projects above and beyond equipment. Those funds would then be replaced by billing customers for the service and inspections, just like a commercial business would do.

The Chief would handle the billing and collect receipts, which he would turn over to City Clerk Deb Field to document and place into the proper account. The service itself would fall under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshals Office. McNees said he doesn’t want the Fire Department to be in competition with someone who may want to start their own, so anyone who wants to open such a business is welcome to do so. Or, residents and business owners may choose to go to one of the other communities such as Red Oak, Carroll, Omaha or Des Moines.