United Group Insurance

IA Transportation Commission approves AIP funds for Red Oak & Winterset Airports


August 11th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Transportation Commission today (Tuesday), approved approximately $5.3 million for the fiscal year 2016 State Aviation Program, which includes several subprograms. The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) will fund $3 million for aviation safety, planning, and airport development projects at 22 airports throughout Iowa. Among the recipients of funds, was the Red Oak Municipal Airport, which receives $75,120 toward the $92,900 cost of constructing taxiways for T-hangars, and the Winterset Municipal Airport, which receives $19,550 toward the $23,000 cost of constructing a taxiline trench drain.

AIP programs are funded with revenue from aircraft registration fees and aviation fuel taxes. Aviation vertical infrastructure programs will provide $2.3 million for projects at 10 general aviation airports and eight commercial service airports throughout Iowa. Vertical infrastructure programs are funded through the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF).

The State Aviation Program supplements local and federal funding sources, and seeks to maintain a safe and balanced statewide air transportation system. Details on the FY 2016 State Aviation Program funding can be viewed at: www.iowadot.gov/aviation/managersandsponsors/statefundingprograms.html.