United Group Insurance


Trading Post

June 24th, 2015 by admin

FOR SALE: An old, wooden swing set with 2 swings, rings, a ladder for a slide but no slide. Call 712-250-1092 in Anita. Please understand the seller may be a little hard to understand, so have patience.

FOR SALE: 1. 5×10 Trailer with ramp, jack, and sides. Extra tires and rims. $600.  2. Used classic “Desota” red 3-wheel bicycle-24inch tires- like new-brakes, fenders, and basket. $260.  3. New classic Schwinn blue meridian 3 wheel bicycle, 26″ fully equipped- never ridden. $360.  Call 712-790-1841.

RUMMAGE SALE: Country Rummage Sale. Saturday, June 27th from 10am-6pm at 3484 Falcon Avenue.  A pickers delight as the sale will include: farmhouse decor, primitives, garden benches/decor, barn wood gates and doors, old screen door, vintage chest, household items, linens, shoes and purses.  Sale will be cash only.  There will be no sale if raining. Directions from Atlantic are to go 6 miles North on Olive Street past 1-80 and an additional 3/4 mile to 2nd house on the East side which is barn red.