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Iowa crops take a hit in last week’s severe weather


June 30th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The severe weather that rolled through Iowa last week has threatened crop yields across the state. The USDA’s latest crop report issued Monday places 83-percent of the state’s corn crop in good to excellent condition. Soybean emergence rose to 96-percent, which is on par with the five-year average, but 11 days behind last year’s crop. Seventy-eight percent of Iowa’s soybeans are rated in good to excellent condition. Iowa State University Extension Agronomist Mark Johnson monitors a nine-county region that received up to 8 inches of rain in a 24-hour period last week.

“Normally when you drive around after a heavy rain, you see these ponds and maybe they (cover) a quarter acre or maybe half-an-acre. When I was out in Carroll (County), l saw 10-acre ponds. Greene was maybe a little bit better and Dallas was a little bit better. Those counties really took a hit,” Johnson said. It’s too late to replant those water-logged corn fields, according to Johnson.

(Radio Iowa)