United Group Insurance


Trading Post

May 7th, 2015 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  Homemade 2-wheel trailer, 4′ x 7′.  Asking $200 OBO.  Call 712-250-0788.

FOR SALE:  Portable 2500 watt generator.  Asking $150 OBO.  Call 712-250-0788.

FOR SALE:  Metal bolt bins.  Asking $75 OBO.  Call 712-250-0788.

WANTED: Western author, Louis L’Amour books, please call 254-3217.

FOR SALE: National Geographic magazines in good shape in boxes. From an estate and there appears to be most if not all from the 1930’s on. Best offer gets them all. Please call 712-243-1979 and if no answer leave a message.