United Group Insurance

Cass County Master Gardener Bus Tour Heads for Des Moines on June 18

Ag/Outdoor, News

May 29th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Des Moines Botanical Garden and Polk County Master Gardeners Enabling Garden are two of many highlights on the 2015 Cass County Master Gardener bus tour. The trip is scheduled for June 18th, departing from the Cass County Fairgrounds in Atlantic at 8-AM and returning around 6-PM. Other stops include nurseries, gardens and greenhouses in the Greater Des Moines Area. Lunch, catered by Hickory Park, will be served at the Polk County Extension Office.ISU Extension

The trip is sponsored by the Cass County Master Gardeners but is open to everyone. Registrations are due by June 10th, so register soon so you can be sure to save your spot on the bus! The cost is $55. 00 which includes transportation, entrance fees and a meal and snack. Registration forms are available at the Cass County Extension office, and can also be found on the Cass County Extension website at www.exension.iastate.edu/cass.

A full itinerary is on each registration form. Be sure to bring plant labels and boxes to mark the goodies you pick up along the way!

(Press Release)