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Atlantic Parks and Rec Board approves Girl Scout troop signs


May 18th, 2015 by Ric Hanson


The final design of signs to be placed around Sunnyside Park.

The Atlantic Parks and Recreation Department’s Board of Directors, Monday, approved the purchase of signs designed with art work from a local Girl Scouts Cadette Troop, that ask patrons of area parks not to smoke around playground equipment and other areas. The art work was sent to J&J Graphic Designs, who will print the design on metal signs, along with the Atlantic Parks Dept. and Girl Scouts logos.

The dozen signs will cost $25 each, for a total of $300, with the local Girl Scouts Troop picking up half the cost, and the Parks & Rec Dept. paying for the balance. The roughly 11″x14″signs will be placed at various locations within Sunnyside Park. They will be clear coated which will help to clean off any graffiti defacing the signs.

Parks and Rec Director Roger Herring and Board complimented the Cadettes for taking the initiative and getting clean air awareness signs placed in the park, something the City hasn’t been able to do for a number of years because it can’t create an ordinance or policy to that effect. The signs respectfully ASK people to refrain from smoking, and don’t threaten them with fines. In related news, the Junior Girl Scout Troop from Atlantic on May 9th, completed a bridge project in Sunnyside Park, and worked to install walkway pavers.

And, Herring announced Monday the Atlantic Pool will tentatively be opening this Saturday, May 23rd. Guards will begin clean-up of the area and staff will begin filling the pool on Tuesday. Herring said new pumps have been installed, but there are no heaters for the pool, so unless the sun helps to warm things up soon, that first splash into the water may be a bit icy.