United Group Insurance

We Dig Dirt: Connecting Infants & Toddlers to Nature


April 22nd, 2015 by Ric Hanson

Parents and child care providers are invited to explore the wonder of nature and the benefits it offers infants and toddlers. The “We Dig Dirt” workshop will be held on Thursday, June 4th,from 6:30- to 9:30- p.m., at the Ann Wickman Child Development Center in Atlantic. The location has developed an outside nature area specifically for young children, including infants and toddlers. Funding is being provided by Boost 4 Families Early Childhood Iowa.ISU Extension

Participants will discover effective ways to facilitate meaningful infant and toddler learning experiences inspired by nature and gain positive solutions for addressing some of the challenges of working with very young children outdoors. Many practical ideas will be shared for helping infants and toddlers grow up with a sense of wonder.

Certified instructor, Sandra McKinnon, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Human Sciences Specialist, will lead the workshop. Three clock hours for child care providers are available. Visit the Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry at https://ccmis.dhs.state.ia.us/trainingregistry/ to sign up. If you are a parent, register directly with the Montgomery County Extension Office.

Registration and payment is required by May 22. For more information, contact the Montgomery County Extension Office in Red Oak at 712-623-2592.