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Costello win GOP nomination for District 12 IA Senate seat


December 12th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

A special nominating convention held Thursday night in Clarinda whittled down the field of contenders vying for the Iowa Senate District 12 seat being vacated by Republican U-S Senator-elect, Joni Ernst. During the event, Republican State Representative Mark Costello, of Imogene won his party’s nomination. Clarinda area farmer Seth Watkins finished second and Montgomery County activist Margaret Stoldorf finished 3rd in the 7 person race.

Costello will face a challenge from Democrat Steve Adams, of Red Oak, and Libertarian candidate Don Brantz, a longtime Mills County supervisor and southwest Iowa social worker. The men will be on the ballot for a Special Election to be held Dec. 30th that was ordered by the Governor, and is required in order to fill Ernst’s Iowa Senate seat.