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Let’s try this again – Atlantic School Board meeting to be held tonight


July 8th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic Community School District’s Board of Education will be held this evening at the high school, due to several scheduling conflicts that prevented the meeting from being held on Monday, as would normally have been the case.  The Board will gather in the Media Room at the high school beginning at 7:30-p.m. Superintendent Dr. Michael Amstein says on their agenda, is approval of: General Education/Special Ed contracts; other contracts and/or Letters of Assignment

Amstein says they’re trying to finish finish-up the hiring process for the upcoming school year. Josh Rasmussen will provide a recommendation for the FCS – Family and Consumer Science – position at the Middle School. He says last year they had position open, but just couldn’t fill it.

The Board will also act on Volunteer Coaches positions and any Resignations. They’re also expected to act on approving: The contract with Superintendent Dr. Michael Amstein for the 2014-15 school year, and the 1st reading of a new policy with regard to Honorary Diplomas.

Amstein said there was a request made to the Board for that, and since there was none in-place, that topic is up for discussion and possible action. The Atlantic School Board will talk about their financial planning program assumptions for Fiscal Year 2015. Prior to adjourning for the night, the Board will enter into a closed session for a formal evaluation of Superintendent Amstein.