United Group Insurance


Trading Post

April 22nd, 2014 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  1992 Capri 14.2 sailboat and aluminum boat trailer. Asking $300 o.b.o. for boat and trailer. (712) 249-3834.


FOR SALE: Washer & dryer, white $250 for set or $150 for each; fridge $125 and portable dishwasher $75 or $200 for fridge and portable dishwasher. 712-243-7792. SOLD!

FREE: Cats, some white, some gray striped. 712-653-2374.

WANTED: A mini bike/dirt bike, 50 cc engine. Should be a Honda or a Kawasaki, or name brand. Newer, must run, be in good condition. 402-490-2168.