United Group Insurance

Social Security Workshop to be held in Atlantic this month


April 11th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

A workshop for “Baby Boomers” on “Saavy Social Security Planning” will take place April 22nd in Atlantic, at Iowa Western Community College. The no-cost workshop runs from 6:30-until 7:45-p.m. Seating is limited.

Officials say after being told for years the Social Security is “Going Broke,” Boomers are realizing that it will soon be their turn to collect. The decisions you make now, can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime. The informative seminar aims to cover the basics of Social Security, and reveals strategies for maximizing your benefits.

Seminar attendees will learn about: The 5 factors to consider when deciding to apply for benefits; Why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy; How to coordinate benefits with your spouse; How to maximize taxes on Social Security benefits, and how to coordinate your Social Security with your other sources of retirement income.

There will also be someone on-hand to answer your questions, such as “Will Social Security be there?”  How much you will receive, when you should apply, how to maximize your benefits and will Social Security be enough to live on in during your retirement.

To register for the seminar, call 712-243-5527, or e-mail majohnson@iwcc.edu.