United Group Insurance

Cass Supervisors approve amended FY 2014 budget


April 2nd, 2014 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors, this week, adopted an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2014 County Budget, including the Secondary Roads Iowa DOT Budget. The move followed a public hearing held on the matter, Monday morning, during which there were no objections.  County Auditor Dale Sunderman noted that appropriations of the amended expenditure amounts (Changes in Budget Authority) was required. They included:

General Basic: increase Sheriff by $6,600 (wages & telephone); increase Medical Examiner by $6,000 (autopsies, etc.); increase Local Health by $51,500 (FY13 assessment paid in FY14); increase non-departmental by $4,000,000 (CDB grant flow-through).

Rural Services: increase Sheriff by $96,055 (added deputy and equipment);

Secondary Roads: increase Roads by $1,085,000 (local projects) & decrease Capitol Projects by $570,000.

Attorney Seized Monies: increase by $23,950 (funds moved to Sheriff Seized Monies).

Capital Projects: increase by $286,810 (707 Poplar St project).

General Basic: increase operating transfer out by $350,000 (to Capital Projects).

Local Option Sales Tax: increase operating transfer out by $25,000 (to Rural Services).

In other business, the Supervisors in Cass County adopted a Resolution to Vacate a County Road. Their action pertained to Road #1 in Benton Township Section 2 and 3. The 40-foot wide road was originally established in 1898. Since it has not been traveled for several years, no public hearing was required.  And, the Board approved the appointment of Joy R. Scanlon to fill a vacancy on the Massena Township Board of Trustees, with her term ending Dec. 31st, 2016.