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Glenwood man listed in good condition after accidental shooting


January 28th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

Officials with the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha say a former police officer who accidentally shot himself outside a Glenwood elementary school last week, is in good condition. The Daily NonPareil reports Douglas Trent Good, the parent of a student at West Elementary School, was taken to the hospital on Friday, after he accidentally shot himself in the leg with a .9-mm handgun while waiting inside of his car. The incident happened about 3:30 p.m. in the lower playground parking lot.

Good is a former Glenwood and Creston police officer and had taught training classes for people seeking permits to carry concealed weapons. Parents of students at West Elemerntary were notified about the incident through a voice mail. The Glenwood Police Department continues to investigate the incident.