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Community meeting scheduled for Dec. 19th on Regionalization of Mental Health Svcs.


November 27th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

With State law having changed with regard to funding for the Mental Health and Disabilities Services in Iowa, Counties are forming Regions to respond to the changes. The Southwest Region includes nine counties (Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Pottawatttamie and Shelby). Local advisory and Community input meetings have been scheduled to take place across the Southwest Region. The first was held Tuesday, in Shenandoah. Cass County Mental Health/General Relief Coordinator Teresa Kanning said the next meeting will be held in Pottawattamie County. She says the meeting takes place Dec. 19th at the Oakland Community Center (614 Dr. Van Zee Road), in Oakland.

The meeting begins at 3-pm and runs until 5-p.m. In the event of a snowstorm, it will be held January 7th at the same location. The public is invited to attend the session to provide input into the current mental health service system, including what you feel works and doesn’t work. It’s also designed to: develop ideas for future service needs, including Crisis Response in rural areas; Build relationships and interest in participating in Local Advisory Councils, and to provide an overview of the developing region’s progress, administrative structure, future board and advisory structure, and current service systems.

Anyone who is a consumer of mental health services, family members of those using mental health and disability services, community mental health/developmentally disabled service providers and those interested in being a part of forming the Southwest Iowa MH/DS Region, is urged to attend. The meeting is being facilitated by Beth Morrissette, Executive Director of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Network.

If you miss the Dec. 19th meeting in Oakland, there will be a final session in Harrison County, January 21st,  at the Dunlap City Hall.