United Group Insurance

College Fair to be held in Atlantic Sept. 24th


September 20th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

School officials in Atlantic report the Iowa Association for College Admissions Counseling will sponsor a “College Fair” on Tue., Sept. 24th, from 2-until 3:15-p.m., at the Atlantic High School. High School Guidance Counselor Craig Fredin, site coordinator for the event, says 65 representatives from post-secondary institutions will be present to speak about opportunities at the colleges, vocational and technical schools, and military services.

The IA-CAC has established 30 College Day/College Night programs throughout the state, to provide a supportive environment for students to obtain information and appropriate counseling, which should prove helpful to students in selecting an institute of higher learning.

Students, parents, and interested adults from Atlantic and the surrounding communities, are invited to attend next Tuesday’s event.