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Trading Post

May 3rd, 2013 by Jim Field

WANTED:  4-inch plastic wall tile, any light color.  Please call Dee Bebensee at 712-243-5649.

FOR SALE: Pile of camping wood for $25. Also, a 16-inch Craftsman chainsaw for parts. Has brand new chain and cutting bar, $20. Call 778-4672

FOR SALE: A tree cutting service. Nothing over two feet across, not in Atlantic because of city ordinance, open areas are preferred but it depends on the situation. I don’t have a bucket truck to do branch work but I can take trees completely down. Call 778-4672.

FOR SALE: DeWalt radial arm saw, $100. Also, a mitre box for $20. Call 243-2538.

FOR SALE: Selling parts from a fifth-wheel camper, NOT the camper itself. Cabinets, microwave, stainless steel color stove, etc. Call 1-712-778-5131.