United Group Insurance

Mo. Valley Council approves billing residents for fire calls


April 12th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

 Calling a local fire department in Harrison County will end-up costing the citizens of Missouri Valley, after an ordinance was passed last month by the City Council. According to the Missouri Valley Times, the Council approved an ordinance on Tuesday, March 19th, that allows the Missouri Valley Volunteer Fire Department to bill for its services. The ordinance says that after every service call, Fire Chief Johnnie Walker, will have a financial statement prepared and delivered for any fire, hazardous-material cleanup or similar service that the fire department provides. The payment of the fee will be made to the City of Missouri Valley. The money will go to a general fund to benefit the fire department.

The ordinance says also, the fire department has the authority to take in account several items to charge for services including: emergency vehicle actually used in response, standby status of support and man power needed and used and several other items. A false alarm will not be charged to the business or resident. City clerk Rita Miller told the paper, the City of Missouri Valley’s ordinance on billing for fire services, is based on similar ones in Harrison County, Shelby County and the City of Harlan.