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EHK School Board appoints interim Board member & Vice President


April 24th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

Members of the Elk Horn-Kimballton Board of Education held a special meeting Tuesday evening at the High School in Elk Horn. Exira-EHK Superintendent Dean Schnoes said their first order of business was to approve an appointment to fill a vacancy position on the School Board until the next election. Schnoes told KJAN News they needed to find someone to replace Mark Smith in District 1. They spoke with a couple of individuals when John Leader approached the board and expressed his interest in the interim position, as well as actually running for the position during an election year. The board approved Leader to fill the slot until the next election. And, since Smith was the School Board President, and Kevin Petersen took over as President when Smith left the District, the Board took action on electing a Vice President.

Schnoes said board member Tammy Fahn was elected as the Vice-President. The EHK School Board also approved a Resolution calling for a change in the way Board members are elected, from five Directors, to “At Large.” The voters will have the final say on the proposed change, along with a reorganization vote with the Exira Community School District. Schnoes said the Board Tuesday approved the setting of June 25th as the date for a Special Election on reorganization.

He said the Exira School Board is expected to follow suit in approving the June 25th date during a brief, special meeting, early next week. The meeting will most likely take place Monday morning, according to Schnoes.  In other business, the EHK Board approved a renewal of Driver’s Education contracts for four men from Atlantic, and the list of Senior’s set to graduate next month.