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Exira/EHK School Boards hold joint meeting Monday on reorganization


November 27th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Members of the Exira and Elk Horn-Kimballton Community School District’s Boards of Education met Monday night in Exira for a joint Board meeting on the topic of reorganization. Exira-EHK Superintendent Dean Schnoes said no action could be taken due to the lack of a quorum from the EHK Board. Schnoes said the meeting essentially turned into a work session, which featured Area Education Agency (AEA) representatives Paula Vincent and Lane Plugge.

Schnoes said a few members of the community showed up to listen and ask questions about reorganization and consolidation of the two school districts. He says the Q-and-A and discussion process won’t stop with the most recent meeting. Schnoes said they will continue to hold community meetings every time there is new information that’s made available. Information will also be available on the district’s website and their related FaceBook page.

Once the final petition is put together and approved, the matter could be put to a vote of members in both school districts, by early April 2013. He says if other issues crop up, the vote might end-up being pushed back until June of next year, but he hopes that doesn’t happen.