United Group Insurance

Haunted House opens in Atlantic


October 5th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

It’s the seasons for ghosts, goblins and haunted houses. To set the mood, a Haunted House will be held in Atlantic each weekend in October, leading up to Halloween. Donna Snyder and Cherie Petty are with the Atlantic Eagles, the organization which, along with the Atlantic JayCees and several area businesses, is sponsoring the event. Snyder says the Haunted House is being at the same location it’s taken place for the past five-years, Barn number 4 at the Cass County Fairgrounds. The house is open this (Friday) and Saturday evening, with additional dates to follow: Oct. 12th and 13th, 19th & 20th, Oct. 26th and 27th, and on Halloween. On Friday evenings, there will be a “Spookless Matinee,” from 7-to 8-pm.

A “Scare Fest” will be held every Friday and Saturday as well, from 8-pm to Midnight. On Halloween, the “Spookless Matinee” will be held from 7-8pm, along with the “Scare Fest,” from 8pm to Midnight. Cherie Petty says it takes a lot of planning, work and volunteers to get the venue prepared for the fun, family event, and even if you’ve been to the Haunted House in years past, there’s always something new. This year is no exception. She says they received several donated props from a haunted house that is no longer in business, so there’s hardly anything left over from the past.

Petty, who has been involved with haunted house activities for five-years, says there are all sorts of eerie sounds, but nothing that will reach out and touch you, but they will “get pretty close.” Donna Snyder says the cost to attend the Haunted House is $7, with discounts available beginning the weekend of October 12 and 13th, if you bring two, non-perishable food items. The food will be donated to the Atlantic Food Pantry. The following weekend, donations of pet food, toys and treats and other appropriate items, will be used for the Atlantic Animal Shelter. Again, that brings your cost down to $5.

While the price for the haunted house is the same for everyone, kids can attend the “Scare Fest” for just three-dollars.