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Trading Post

September 18th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  4 tickets to Nebraska game 9/22.  243-3636.

FOR SALE:  all wood entertainment center with glass door and a drawer, also a TV that matches, both are in excellent condition. Make offer, if you wish I can send pictures. Please call and leave message 243-4350.

FREE:  Full size bed with frame, mattress, and box spring.  Its in good condition, we just upgraded.  You must pick up.  Call Corey at (712) 249-7958.

FREE: Bunk bed with mattress, you haul. 502 E. 10th St, 243-2902    SOLD!

WANTED: Cab or roll bar for International 66 series tractor; John Deere garden tractor like 420, 318, 430. 712-482-6863