United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council to hold 3rd & final reading of Illegal dumping ordinance


September 4th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council will hold its first meeting of the month Wednesday evening, at City Hall. During their session, the Council will receive a report from AMU General Manager Steve Tjepkes. They’ll also possibly act on a resolution awarding a bid for improvements to the traffic signals at 7th and Walnut, Chestnut and Poplar Streets. Only one bid (amounting to $123,838) was received, from a company out of Oskaloosa. The engineer’s original cost estimate for the project was $93,000, so it’s possible the Council may reject the bid, and stick with the current signals until next year, or conduct what City Administrator Doug Harris calls “Value engineering,” to reduce the cost of the project.

The Council will also hold the third and final reading of an ordinance amending the City Code, with regard to Illegal Dumping, to make the rules consistent throughout the County. And, the Council will hold the first reading of a revised ordinance pertaining to “Private Wells,” with regard to Iowa DNR identified contaminated sites on Commerce, East 7th and West 2nd Streets. The ordinance allows closed-loop systems for non-drinking water wells use greater than 1,000-feet from an area of contamination, and drinking water wells greater than 1,000-feet from an area of contamination, and are more than 250-feet from an accessible public water supply.

In other business, the Atlantic City Council, Wednesday, is expected to pass on the second- and third-readings, an ordinance prohibiting parking  on Linn Street, on the east side, from 8th Street north 100-feet, from 7:45-a.m. to 3:15-p.m., for the purpose of loading buses when school is in session. They’ll also act on an expanded Tobacco Free Policy for City Hall, which was originally enacted in February of 2007, but now includes a tobacco cessation program for City employees.

The Council’s session begins at 5:30-p.m., Wednesday, and is scheduled to be broadcast locally, on Cable Channel 18.