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Trading Post

August 16th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  25 cu. ft. side by side refrigerator, 33″ wide, Bisque, Kenmore crushed/cubed in door ice in door water new filter to put in, bought new color.  GREAT condition, $425.00.  Call 712-249-1607.

WANTED:  Newer gas stove propane black in color if possible Call 243-6609 leave message will return call thanks.

WANTED: Looking for a used Xbox 360. Games and accessories included preferred. Wanting to pay less than $200. Email me at dferguson107@gmail.com.

FOR SALE:  Cars Toddler bed, almost new mattress and pad included. Plastic with metal frame. $50.00, 712-784-3770.

FOR SALE: Swiffer wet/dry vacuum sweeper with lots of cleaning pads $20; 20 gallon fish tank with light, 6 tropical fish and 2 algae eaters and tank $25 for all.  243-3396. 243-3396.

FOR SALE:  a pair of brand new Nike football cleats that I want to sell I’m asking $80….they can text me at 712-249-8753 they are size 10 and they are brand new I just bought them and my brother decided not  to play football.

FOR SALE: 100 Endura Suzuki 1980 motorcycle, runs good, Rup minibike,needs work $800 for both obo; or willing to trade for a pickup that runs. 712-304-4568

WILLING TO DO WORK: Tree work, no more than 2′ across, not in Atlantic city limits; also firewood for sale (or camping wood) 778-4672.

FOR SALE: 460 security boards 72″ high 65 cents each. 712-563-3593 (Audubon)

MOVING SALE: 3 riding mowers, snowblower, tiller, lots of tools, wood chipper, lots more. 712-621-2035 (Corning)