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Storms bring wind, rain to Iowa and Nebraska

News, Weather

August 9th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Storms erupted over eastern Nebraska and western and central Iowa, Wednesday, with reports of strong winds, hail and rain. The National Weather Service says storms that developed Wednesday afternoon may have produced a funnel cloud near Howells in Colfax County. No damage or injuries were reported. In Saunders County, hail covered the ground near Morse Bluff. Hail and heavy rain were also reported in the Carroll area, including some half-dollar sized amounts just at around 2:10-p.m. Scranton had quarter-sized hail fall at around 2:40-p.m.

Elswhere in Iowa, winds of up to 70 miles per hour caused some property damage and scattered power outages in Fremont County, near Sidney, Farragut and Shenandoah, as those areas were hit by strong winds between 6:30 and 7:15-p.m. Hail and torrential rain were reported in the Des Moines area. Tree limbs were down in the metro and its suburbs, with minor hail damage to cars. Some intersections were also flooded from heavy rain.