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Iowa Transportation Commission approves FY 2013 public transit program funding


August 14th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

(updated 11:30-a.m.) — The Iowa Transportation Commission today (Tuesday) approved more than $3.1 million in funding to support 45 public transit projects included in the fiscal year (FY) 2013 Transit Program. The projects are funded under the state Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Fund, federal Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program, and federal New Freedom program.

The New Freedom federal formula grant program seeks to reduce barriers to transportation services and expand the transportation mobility options available to people with disabilities, beyond the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Transit agencies in larger communities receive a direct allocation of funding from FTA. The Commission is responsible for programming projects in smaller communities. Under the NF grants, in Region 13, the Atlantic Voucher program received $7,027,  and $4,459 for expansion of the Harlan taxi service hours.

And, under the JARC Program for Region 13 (based in Atlantic), the Commission approved a $4,334 request for the Red Oak Taxi service, $5,335 for CDS Global, Incorporated’s vanpool service, and $27,047 for Menard’s commuter service.

A listing of the individual projects and funding amounts is available www.iowadot.gov/transit/archive_files/COFY13_TransitProgramattachmentaugust2012.pdf.