Cass County Engineer updates progress on projects
July 25th, 2012 by Ric Hanson
Cass County Engineer Charles Marker appeared before the Board of Supervisors during their meeting Wednesday morning, in Atlantic. Marker provided the Board with an update on the various projects the Secondary Roads Department is handling. He said they have completed basically all of the culvert-related projects that they have material available for. That also includes all of the paving jobs, such as the Marne Road. The only thing that remains is some shoulder work, and some guardrails on the bridge coming into Marne.
With the culvert pipes being installed, Marker says their attention now turns to a couple of bridges they’ve been examining, which will likely need deck replacement. The wooden decks will be replaced with corrugated steel. One is a high truss bridge is from Buck Creek Road to Chicago Road. The second, a steel I-beam bridge is located near Cumberland, just off Quincy Road and 710th Street. Marker says the improvements will help the bridges have a longer, useful lifespan before they need to be completed replaced. An overflow bridge just to the east of the landfill road bridge also is in need of repair. A steel I-beam bridge two-miles north of Cumberland and one-mile East, will get a new deck as well, along with other improvements.
(12-p.m. news)