United Group Insurance

Big Band Dance in Atlantic June 23rd


June 17th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Community Center is the planned location for a night of dancing and music on June 23rd,  as local musicians return to the bandstand for a big band dance. The jazz band “Popcorn Button” will bring their second dance of the summer to the community.The Community Center is a new venue for the band, which means they’ll be able to accommodate more dancers and listeners. The band is comprised of a diverse group of talented volunteer musicians from Atlantic High School, the community, and several universities. Some return from colleges and internships as far away as Iowa City and Kansas City to play at the dances.

Dance instructor Jake Auerbach and his mother Pam will once again be offering a guide to getting started with ballroom and swing dancing at the event from 7:30-8 pm. Event organizers are also working out the scheduling of a potential visit from a member of the Iowa State University Cyclone Swing Society. This will provide the opportunity for all involved to learn some new moves in addition to the basics of waltz, swing, two step, and polka.

The dance is a free public event. A free will donation will be accepted at the door to help defray costs of the event. All ages and dancing abilities are invited and encouraged to attend from 7-10 pm on Saturday, June 23rd at the Cass County Community Center in Atlantic.  For more information, contact Curtis Ullerich at info@popcornbutton.org or at 712-249-2588, or visit the band’s website at www.popcornbutton.org.